Soul Sparks 2023


Where nothing else works


The heart
it kneads.

The places
that cannot be digested
in any other way.

There they are.

The places,
that cannot be touched by anything else.
Where what can be done has been done,
but nothing brought redemption.


You know what I am talking about,
You know what was in your power
and that you did what you could do.
And yet it is not gone.
The stone is not gone.
The burned ground is no longer fertile.
The die has been cast,
the paths have gone,
what has been done has been done.

And then…
you encounter what is.
The pure confrontation with reality,
that has hurt you,
made you flee or fight,
or freeze completely.
The stone in your heart,
the silent inner cry,
the helplessness in the face of the incomprehensible.

But it is so.
It is like this.


And then…

May it be.
The space slowly emerges,
restlessness finds its way into the silence,
and touches with its infinitely tender
patient, gentle fingers
the terrible,
from which you
ran away for so long.

And you may
see it.

You can
see it.

Because you went every other way
and now this one…
is the one,
that remains.

The landing
in that,
what is.



gentle friendliness


You and your heart come together.
You are now where the movement can begin,
to digest the indigestible,
to see the invisible,
to forgive the unforgivable.

Your heart goes to work
and your whole system is involved.
Your breath streams through the space,
Your presence allows what needs to be done.
You have opened yourself
for the movement of
within you.


Your head goes quiet,
it knows that it is not the one doing this.
Your emotions come to rest,
they know that they are not the ones who are bringing the solution.
Your body softens into relaxation,
it realizes that it no longer has to hold on.

And your soul,
the source of your being,
is very clear here,
what needs to be done
and you let it happen.


And in it

words may emerge,
that support your process.
Perhaps actions,
that you can perform.
And perhaps waves of feelings
that moves through you.
And it’s all part of it,
that it may heal,
what seemed incurable.

It takes its time.


There is nothing else to do.


is the movement
that brings back into unity,
what has fallen so far out of it,
that it seemed impossible,
to return.

But we all return.
And everything finds its way home.

We are one.
Everything is safe in it.
And everything can find itself in it.
Everything will find itself there.

Here, where the waves come to an end.
Here, where the doors open.
Here, where the space is created,
that unification
can happen again.



All other sparks…



From my heart




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