safe navigation in times of change


You are exactly right,
where you are
and how you are.

Your life is your path,
to embody the highest in you
and to be the person
you are.

Crisis is a place of deepest transformation and healing.

I help you,
to navigate safely
your storms and high flights,
andto live the life,
that in your depths
you are longing for.

No matter where you are and how difficult it may be at the moment
– the answer to your questions lies within you.

What I invite you to do is to learn,
to engage more and more deeply with yourself
and to dance with life,
with all that is.





Everyday accompaniment via Messenger.
Get in touch exactly when you need it.



Via zoom, telefone or live in Freiburg.
A space for you at the point where you need support.



Intensive accompaniment at a location of your choice.
Time for the places that can only be reached with peace and space.




If you feel the call to work with me, have any questions or curiosities –
feel welcome to contact me for a free orientation call.

Here we check in with each other and see if working together fits for what you need on your journey right now.

With love


free orientation call





>> Like on an adventure trip, Karin accompanied me on an unpleasant topic, traveling through my inner worlds. Her clear and loving words invited me to feel right to the bottom. In the safe, held space, I was able to effortlessly allow what had been repressed by trauma to emerge in my consciousness, feel it, express it and understand it in a larger context.
I can recommend the adventure with Karin to everyone. Especially to those who want to make a lasting change in their everyday life.
Thank you Karin, your healing work is an enrichment for me! <<

Selah Sandra Niklaus, Selah-Lichterde


>>There are few authorities who are so credible for me that I can respect them… and you are one of them. You are THE authority for me in the whole field of authenticity, touching deeply, feeling and integrating shadows! <<

A. S.


>> Already in my first conversation with Karin I felt very quickly deeply seen in my being.
What really impresses me in my work with her is how radically personal she is in her encounters – not only in her individual and specific approach to me, but also in her own showing of herself. This honesty and basic attitude of “being there” fully with everything made it very easy for me to open up myself with everything that shows up – even that which is not so comfortable, glorious or light-filled… the feeling: everything is welcome and valuable.
I have found her to be very committed, very approachable through the whole process. She stays on constantly or gives holding space – with precise sense of what it needs and when. And she has a great intuition for the right questions at the right moment. Like a midwife for one’s own birth, she paves the way for insights and treasures from one’s own inner self – by encouraging with unconditional trust, asking, naming, not shying away from anything and rejoicing wholeheartedly in what comes to light.
Last but not least: The shared laughter is also a wonderful part of the quality of her work! I am very grateful to have met Karin and to have been accompanied by her. Full recommendation! <<

J. N.


>> Karin has accompanied our young association in a profound process, which means a radical change. Responsibility should be transferred from a few to many shoulders, which wants to be accompanied on all levels, and requires both letting go and acceptance of various participants. Karin accompanied us in this process for more than 10 months, conducted interviews with more than 20 people, and gently but clearly pointed out the shoals to all involved. It means a real upheaval for our organization and thus the future of the association, and Karin has given us essential and valuable impulses, and not least strengthened our awareness and commitments. <<

André Stephan, Tänzerdorf e.V.


>> Working with Karin – has changed my life. More than anything before. Because I was ready for it. I was ready before – and yet this resolute sticking to it and going for me didn’t happen before. It would be easy to say that it never worked out that way before with other therapists, companions, that it was just a happy coincidence that we met. That is also true – but for me an important characteristic of Karin’s way of working already began to work here: honest interest and unconditional acceptance in a field of unconditional love. I got to know Karin in a workshop, so it was a group context and not an individual accompaniment. I was able to experience how she made her entire field available to each individual she approached and hit the exact point at issue each time. How EVERYTHING that came up was completely non-judgmental, curious and lovingly deeply welcomed by her. Not as a professional attitude, but as her natural state. It had nothing to do with her personal opinions on the issues at hand. She also spoke of her personal experiences and shared her feelings and views, was present as a concrete person. Didn’t stay out of it, but also didn’t mix her topics with those of the others. AND she saw everyone in their own unique strength, beauty, longing, need… and named that with words that were formed as if from the field of the person in question and could sink directly into the heart. This had a magic of its own: resistance, not understanding, rigidity, actionism… softened and changed into peaceful arrival in what is and the perception of the possibility of change and own steps. To experience Karin so authentically in accompanying so many different people in intensive processes, 100% in serving what wanted to be solved and born there, without feeling as if she was taking even one step away from herself and losing sight of the group as a whole and each individual in it – that touched me deeply and awakened something in me that I had carried within me for a long time, but which I had never lived until then, which for me had nothing to do with concrete life. At this point I decided to entrust myself to life and to accept the love that I could actually feel in EVERYTHING and that until then I had mostly rejected out of fear of being disappointed or thought of as stupid. It was the point at which I considered it possible – even if not yet consciously – to love myself. In this Karin became a wonderful companion for me. Being seen and accepted by her in everything that showed up in the sessions and often far beyond, before I could even perceive myself in these dimensions, enabled me to love myself with all the parts that I myself found so terrible and that I hid so carefully and often unsuccessfully from the people I had to deal with (and from whom I unconsciously hoped so much that they would love me with exactly these parts). Until then, I had directed this love within me primarily toward others and cared for others in the hope of being loved and cared for by others in return. Now I can love myself and be there for myself in the way that is right for me, without constantly expecting that from others. This is what I feel is the strongest result from working with Karin. What has made this possible? On the one hand, the feeling of being unconditionally accepted by Karin with everything that shows up. And not as a program in which everything and everyone is loved anyway. Karin has always seen and named very precisely the places that were so unpleasant to me that I didn’t want to look – even when it was actually something good. This also sharpened my view of myself (and of others). Through this exact looking and perceiving, a lot of things that until then had been rather destructive, have moved on and are now available to me as potential. Not by talking myself up or by a miracle, but by carefully turning to these parts and finding out what they are actually good for, finding out what is necessary for it and then really taking these steps. One effect of this was also that parts that previously seemed completely opposed and incompatible could begin to work together. All of this was supported, or perhaps made possible in the first place, by experiencing the unconditional self-love that Karin radiates. In which it becomes very palpable that she has moved very honestly through all the chasms that keep opening up on the way to herself. There is no hiding of one’s own issues, it is very palpable that she allows herself to be touched again and again and moves on, even if it is not easy. But obviously it is possible and becomes easier and life in it so much more beautiful. It was so good to have Karin present there as a concrete example to which I could orient myself again and again, without having to deal with her issues in order to do so. It was such a fine awareness of when it was helpful to show myself in my own movements, and when it was better for me to be completely in mine and to be seen and accompanied in it. The balance of closeness and distance. Being seen and taken seriously and experiencing how Karin takes herself seriously and takes care of her boundaries and supports me in exactly the same way to take care of myself, that – together with everything else – has made it possible to be with myself and other people, to be in life, which I never even dreamed of. <<

Maria Bahta, Imbali Joy

