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So far admin has created 77 blog entries.



15.05.2024 | DIVINE INTIMACY and the Holy Wrath. | I sit there, plagued all day by a state that I know all too well and from which I am ALWAYS trying to escape. It appears as destructiveness, as judgment, as dissatisfaction and somehow also as paralysis. Honestly, I [...]

DIVINE INTIMACY2024-05-15T21:14:40+02:00

24* HOLY


Soul Sparks 2023 24 HOLY All of us * The sparks that shine, the star that leads us to the One, to the holy child. What it was then, it is today, shining through all time. * The child what we are looking for it is within [...]

24* HOLY2024-03-12T20:19:28+01:00

23* HOME


Soul Sparks 2023 23 HOME On Earth * Arrived, on this unbelievably wonderful planet. What an abundance that we get GIFTED just like that, lush and varied every day! Life in this form, isn't it just incredible that it exists? That we are existing? Allowing to be [...]

23* HOME2024-03-12T20:22:23+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 22 THE GATE Inside the inner child * Deep down in the darkness, the hidden realms of the wounded inner children, are lying gates. Here, at the points of deepest despair, fear, pain, powerlessness and unbearability... Are lying hidden the treasures for which we [...]

22* THE GATE2024-03-12T20:23:03+01:00

21* LOVE


Soul Sparks 2023 21 LOVE Is here * Today, right here and now and then further in all these moments. It is simply there and may also be here today: LOVE. Just like that. Love love love Love love and love love love. Flowing through, blowing around, [...]

21* LOVE2024-03-12T20:23:36+01:00

20* SLOW


Soul Sparks 2023 20 SLOW A new world is built * Oh yessssssss… Pleasurably, with full delight spread out, lustfully, connected, slowly, living through life. A luxury? Outrageous? Unrealistic? Or what? * Slowness in its kind has SPACE, TO FACE TOWARDS what is in full kindness. Can [...]

20* SLOW2024-03-12T20:25:51+01:00

19* JOY


Soul Sparks 2023 19 JOY Nectar of life * joy of the source, what an ELIXIER. Not agitated, not wanting, not exaggerated, but... IMMEASURABLE. It BUBBLES UP unconditionally and without reason. Joins the colorfulness of life, no matter in which light it is shining, even if darkness [...]

19* JOY2024-03-12T20:26:22+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 18 CONNECTION Is everything * That heart and world come together, that healing, peace, joy truly can become true ... what does it take? I find again and again the answer is: CONNECTION. In all the facets that this word contains. * LOCATING "Where [...]

18* CONNECTION2024-03-12T20:26:54+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 17 SPACE For healing * The fine threads of lightness and light, they swing into the depths and let emerge what was previously untouched. Allowing that may get to be seen, discovered, recognized, touched and moved, what was previously deeply hidden behind veils. * [...]

17* SPACE2024-03-12T20:27:26+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 16 LIGHT Can be Being * . There it is spread out, being in its l i g h t n e s s. Woven into everything no matter what nature. At my feet clouds, feathers, carrying the spirit on their wings. Almost like [...]

16* LIGHT2024-03-12T20:27:59+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 15 THE PATH I am with you * . . . Here I am now, soaked in paradisiacal songs, and feel my earthly form. Feel the path within me, that wants to lead me to new shores. Can I let myself go, going into [...]

15* THE PATH2024-03-12T20:30:06+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 14 PARADISE The song of eternity * So suddenly it is just sitting next to me, this small, fine, delicate little bird. I am becoming still, more quiet, and listen to its delicacy, feel its fluffy down, sink into quiet delight and am enchanted [...]

14* PARADISE2024-03-12T20:32:57+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 13 PEACE A frequency of Being * Again and again I come across a layer, where there IS peace. It simply exists. It is peaceful there. There is no threat. And again and again, quite honestly, I am thinking: "This can't be". It can't [...]

13* PEACE2024-03-12T20:33:48+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 12 HEART There we go * So many incredibilities are buzzing around us in "normal" everyday life. We don't even have to to watch the news, it's enough, what is held in front of us. In how many places do we experience pain. In [...]

12* HEART2024-03-12T20:34:38+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 11 CURIOSITY An invitation to prudence * Wow, that's tough! There's nothing going on, nothing that lights up, it looks in all directions and somehow there is just... nothing. What now? This emptiness... is unpleasant. Of course it tries in every nook and cranny [...]

11* CURIOSITY2024-03-12T20:35:28+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 10 NOTHING Is also something * There is nothing today. No subject that shows itself. No place that is illuminated. There is nothing. And... what now? PAUSE. HOLDING STILL. And simply listening this nothingness. BEING with nothingness. Breath is there, becomes deeper, fuller and [...]

10* NOTHING2024-03-12T20:36:14+01:00



Soul Sparks 2023 9 GRATITUDE The whispers of the tree * I once sat in a big old tree. Me, human being, despairing about so many things that plagued me. And I told the tree about my suffering and asked him if he could help me. LISTENING. [...]

9* GRATITUDE2024-03-12T20:37:00+01:00

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