

When we turn to it, it is there.


Who in this world doesn’t long for us to finally be able to establish peace where there has been war and division until now? That people would finally stop doing crazy things like killing, hating, judging, hurting and so on and so forth. An endless series of realities that we are confronted with day in, day out, that we don’t like, that we find horrible, that we fear and… that we have to powerlessly admit to ourselves that although we want there to be more peace in the world, we don’t really know how to achieve it… it’s so much, the task is so big. And who are we, as individuals, as a minority, as privileged people, who are lucky enough to at least be able to deal with it in peace…

Take a deep breath.

Just getting to grips with these realities is a challenge in itself, for some an excessive demand, and confronts us with pain and powerlessness and above all helplessness – and the unpleasant feeling that we don’t know how to get out of it.


Do you know this? Are you familiar with what I am writing here?

Do you feel the same way – when you look at the world, but also when you simply look at your surroundings or your own, very personal, everyday reality? That, if you’re honest, there is a lot that is NOT at peace and that you then block it out in many places because it is simply overwhelming to be confronted with it? To feel overwhelmed by the feelings it triggers in you?

In any case, I know this well and I also know the many moments of despair and resistance that this evokes in me. I know the level inside me that just wants to run away from here, from this world, from these people, wants to go home again – or just go somewhere where it’s good and where this horror isn’t dancing around in front of my nose all the time.

And then someone comes along and talks about peace. Haha… That’s all well and good, but how is that supposed to work here? Well… to the extent that we actually need it to really feel that something is changing – not just on a small scale, but also on a large scale!


I see it as one of the first major challenges to step out of this loop of “there’s no point anyway” and stop following him.

Just doing that… is already an immensely big step. Admitting the possibility that it might make sense to do something towards peace after all, even if everything around it probably remains at war and divided. But that is the pivotal point that everyone always has as a possibility: To step out of the previous wheel of helplessness and victimhood – and to dare to take a new step. That is the first step towards peace.

That is the first step towards peace:
To stop following the loop of “there’s no point anyway”.

And the great thing is that peace is already emerging at this very moment. Peace is coming to a place where peace was previously not considered possible: Namely, peace with the possibility that there might be a way after all, even if I can’t see it yet. It is the step out of the loop of past experiences and the clutches of ingrained protective mechanisms – towards freshness, inspiration, hope and potential possibility. And that is HUGE!

Take a deep breath again…

“OK, I’ve opened myself up to the possibility of peace where I didn’t think it was possible before… but isn’t that enough!!!?” … and again the mind kicks in and tries to dissuade us from our intention. And yet another place where we can make a new decision. Perhaps first of all to stop here and take a few deep breaths… to allow ourselves to arrive in the fact that we have allowed peace to exist.

And then?

Then the path begins, the path to peace. In this place we are in the presence of the moment and encounter reality as it is from a new perspective – we consider it possible that it CAN develop into peace. And that changes the whole attitude of the gaze. And where we were blind before because we didn’t think it was possible, individual fields of new possibilities are now emerging. We begin to see steps that open up new paths, different from the ones we have taken so far. And then suddenly there is a series of new possibilities in front of us and we can start to feel that we can go differently. We CAN go different paths!

We can go other paths.

And again… it takes a DECISION to continue to follow peace here too, to take action, to go where it smells of peace and no longer of separation.


And so the path begins and will continue… towards peace. It begins with the first decision, arriving at it and then – acting on it. And then again. And again. And again. A string of pearls of endless sequences of alignment, decision, arrival, action, breathing, having courage, facing fear, sometimes stumbling, deciding again, getting contra, recovering again, moving on… And we may never arrive at the exact peace we imagined at the beginning… but… one thing is fundamentally different: the whole time, from the first step of this movement, WE ARE ALREADY AT PEACE, because we are no longer feeding the war, but the connectedness – and that brings us deeper and deeper and deeper into peace with ourselves. It lets us experience within ourselves that we can do something, that we have options for action, that we don’t have to stand idly by, but that we really CAN actively and concretely CREATE PEACE. Not “out there” and not “in the others” – but quite simply where we have the sole right of access: WITHIN US.

We can create peace here at any time:


I have written this text because it is part of my own path to peace. I care deeply about creating, creating, enabling more peace here in this world. And I find the core of change at the very core of EVERY HUMAN BEING. In the very own, personal decision. Which brings both direct access and an exit from dependence on external changes. That is huge. And it’s powerful. It’s pure self-empowerment – and even deeper: pure self-love. And therefore the place from which deep changes in the world can grow. And thus… at the end and at the origin: what the world needs most.

Peace within is pure self-love
and thus the origin of peace in the world.

And I dream that this option will become accessible to more and more people. To everyone exactly where they need it. Perhaps the partnership is currently a field of great pain, or you can’t cope with yourself, or the pain is in the place of your relationship with the world, or with God… No matter where it is, we all have places of discord, pain, worry and separation.

I help you to stop at these points. To take a deep breath. To allow peace and space… and to let someone sink into their truth. In a field of unconditional acceptance of what is – while at the same time knowing deeply that it is really and truly POSSIBLE to land in peace and unfold what you dream of.

Dare to have the courage.

Dare to find and develop peace within yourself.
It is the greatest gift you can give yourself and this world.


I look forward to being with you and giving you support, clarity, tools and mirrors where you need them. Embedded in a field of authentic humanness, love and a fine pinch of healthy confrontation and heartfelt humor.

You are most welcome,






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