

I dare.
I allow my inner self to speak to the world, to share my wisdom.

I am here to accompany the world in the Great Transformation.
I come here as a human being who lives through it all by myself.
I come here as a soul who carries unconditional love within.
I come here pouring my being into my heart, letting my heart be forged by life.
As a reminder of our true being to us all.

My being knows the way into the new.
My heart knows our home and the quiet voice of truth. My sleuthing nose knows the way through the storms and the chaos, can hold the thread, however thin – to life and love. Can stand tall when they deny me and point fingers. Can ask for help when I’m down and out.

But most of all is born in me…the flashing and the blinking of the new. The world behind the veils, the world behind the chaos, the world behind the pain. A joy so cheering, a love so deep, a realm so wonderful, new. A bursting space full of seeds of a New Life, the New Earth, EDEN. And again and again I may bathe in this New. May I feel the facets of the sacred geometry of life – and how it wants to pour into us as human beings… and can. And is doing so NOW, in the times of the Great Change.


Everything that I am gets transformed, step by step, layer by layer. My humanness often at the edge of its capacity and sometimes beyond… Asking: How is it possible to hold this tremendus pain? How does it work to inhabit this immense longing? How to allow the ripples of grief and the waves of anger without breaking? And how on earth do I manage to take care of my very human needs in it?

How can my heart expand to contain all this love? How does my body allow these waterfalls of light? How do my senses manage to take in the stunning, overflowing beauty? And then… at the same time to look into the world with all its horror and manifold violence? How is it possible not to tear in it, stretched between the extremes?


As gross as this sounds and often is… for me it is a wonderful path. I carry infinite gratitude for the life I have been given the gifts I am blessed with. It is a beautiful, exciting, at times hard and bitter path to give birth to who I am – in an environment, a society that is diametrically opposed to this way of being. even stated against it.

For a long time I was trapped in anger, hatred, mistrust, withdrawal and numbness. And now… now it is somehow done with that. Now I am tired of tears and powerlessness towards this world and towards myself. Now I just stand as the one I am – without entitlement. I don’t have to be great anymore and the others don’t have to find me great anymore. I am no longer looking for confirmation on the outside. But I also no longer hide out of fear of the others, the authorities, the world.

And… I feel in my heart the sincere desire to serve. To the people, to all of us as humanity, in these insane times of change. And I believe that the paths I have taken, and the experiences I have had, can help others to walk their path. Just as others have helped me to go mine. It is no longer possible alone, it is only possible together.


Who am I here for?

For those who sincerely, seriously and deeply follow their heart. Those who courageously and openly step into the unknown – because it calls them and because they can’t help but follow that call, even if it means turning their lives upside down. Those who are drawn to anchor themselves deeply within their core and really really really go for it, embodying their true being and living it in this world, no matter the cost.

I am here.
At the places where one is unable to walk alone. Where it needs a reminder, support, guidance, admonition or simply a lot of trust, goodwill and love. As someone who knows that this path leads at times through deep shit and yet in every shadow and every weired bend in the road there is wisdom. As one who can look the demons in the eye with curiosity, humor, confrontation, and sometimes outrageous presumption, and see that they too are ultimately servants – on all of our paths to the light, on all of our journeys to pure love.

But one thing I cannot do…
I cannot walk the path for anybody else. That is the gift of free will to all of us – this point where EVERYONE may and must make their own decision. What do you choose, if it really depends? What do you decide for, love or fear? Heart or mind? The unknown or security?

To this place, to these places, I can lead. And they will come again and again. And your choice is required, again and again. And then integration. And then it goes on. May even more of the old system give way, may even more structures be dissolved. May even more attachments, identifications, connections leave us. May even more of the unknown nectar of a life of love fill your cells, revitalize and shape you and let you blossom into a being of the New World.


It is on you.
And I am with you if you want to.

In love



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