“NEW – an intimate dialogue with life”

(sorry, only available in german language)


In my first book, I dedicate myself to the different levels of being in the question in an almost diary-like dialog:

How can we as humanity move from the consciousness of separation
into the consciousness of connectedness?

As a reader, you yourself go on an intensive dive into the depths and heights of consciousness. The magic of this book unfolds in the encounters with the most diverse aspects of being. Through the words, you can touch these layers within yourself through empathy, and where resonance arises, seeds of connection are spread. So you may be delighted, shaken, relieved or triggered, in everything the new is tirelessly and constantly weaving its very own way into life.





Published 2020, limited edition.

Price: 22€, plus 3€ packing & shipping.
(within Germany, for other countries on request)


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>> So pure, so true, so undisguised, like nothing else I know. <<

Aline Juliette Stephan, Dunkelbunt


>> Oh yes, not easy stuff, but unimaginably potent seeds for transformation into a life beyond duality and trauma. Very authentic and aptly put into words. But the real magic lies behind the words, where the sooo tender and wounded, angry and hardened parts of the personality as well as the soul at the core are touched and can connect in this touch. Not a theory, but a lived, experienced core connection. With yourself and within that with all being. This is your magic, which I was able to experience so deeply and which has changed me like nothing before. Magic that spreads almost unnoticed but powerfully, like “weeds” or medicinal plants. Very simple, true-to-life, living magic, if I let myself get involved.
Magic of unconditional love that always makes me happy and makes life as colorful as the cover of the book. I love this journey!!! <<

Maria Bahta, Imbali Joy


>> A very personal journey and examination of a woman who deeply shows herself with her inner shadows and the light behind them. I would recommend it to people who are on the path of coming deeper to themselves and to those who are afraid of their own abysses.
I experienced the book as a mirror of your soul, in which I could also look at myself again and again and see what these issues, your feelings and your handling of them also do with me. In the process, I have experienced the most diverse moments. I admired you for your deep honesty in observing and describing yourself – especially in the “unpleasant” parts of your feelings. I could share some fears of condemnation and being seen. I have been disturbed at times by the seeming impossibility of being and the cruelty of life. I have felt encouraged to look at myself with unconditional love.
The special thing for me was / is, the absolute nakedness with which you entrust yourself. This touches me deeply and opens in me the desire / courage to confide in me also completely naked and real. I was touched by the fact that not knowing what is coming and how it goes in me has also expanded this space. <<

Carmen Gaadt, Gemeinsame Wege


>> The book is written very personally.
So authentic, so honest, and so fucking deep – right down to the most personal shadows, insights, research…. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything comparable. Maybe it’s most comparable to listening to someone in the deepest therapy sessions, with incredibly personal insights and breakthroughs.
AND: It’s defenitely not just about psychology, not just about experiences and mind, but about many, many dimensions….. It’s not so easy to describe. But it’s very moving read….<

Sonja Kreiner, Stimme & Körper

